Wednesday, December 18, 2013

We must plan our success!

What is your plan?
If you don’t have one…..You should reconsider. Here is why!

So it is no secret that my life has been centered around business and creativity. I have had corporate management positions and today I own an art gallery. I will be spending a lot of time in this New Year assisting people who have small and home based businesses do what I do best…plan! Now I know this sounds a bit dry, most creative or busy people do not like to plan. I am here to tell you if you want to make it out there a plan is going to be your best tool. I am also here to tell you that planning can be fun!

Plans are so important because not only are they road maps to our success. They are our sanity! We create plans in sound mind before the stress of the goals are due, before we are tired of running into the same brick wall, before the chaos of the year strikes us and we are running like mad. We develop plans when we are calm and ordered in our thoughts. We lay our plans down surely and steady so that when we are in the thick of the chaos we can trust that our plan makes sense. We can trust that we have a direction. We can monitor our progress and make adjustments as needed while still moving towards our larger goals.

I tend to suffer from an identity crisis in the community because half of the community knows me from business while half of the community sees me as artistic. What I learned today was that I am so good at planning that I was able to use my business sense to not only create a business and sustain myself, I was able to do it on a business idea most people believe could not work!  Most people feel that being an artist is not lucrative. I say FALSE! It is not what we are selling it is how we are selling it. There are always going to be people who will buy your product. It really doesn’t matter if you are selling paintings, bottle caps, tools; make up, clothing, Tupperware or candies. There are always going to be other people selling a similar product as you, what do you think makes you different from them? Why would someone want to buy your product rather than buy it from someone else? Strategic planning!

We need to know what our goals are, who our targets are, what their tastes are, what their buying habits are, where they hang out, and develop ways to reach them. We need to be able to break our big goals down into smaller obtainable goals that we can chip away at on a day to day, week to week basis. We need accountability! Who is helping you keep on track?

Plans are the life line to a successful business and person. Even if you do not have a business you most likely do have dreams. We must still have a plan to reach our dreams. For most business owners, our business is a physical manifestation of our dreams. Either way, we all could benefit from a solid run plan regardless if it is for our business, our selves or our families.

If you are interested in discussing your business, a plan or your dreams come see us for free. We are offering free consultations to learn about what direction you want to go!

Hannah Scott
Owner Legacy Art Studio and Gallery


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